Friday, May 14, 2010


I sent B a text this morning letting him know I would be around the area where he works at a particular time this afternoon. He replied he'd see how the day panned out. An hour before the time Id suggested, he messaged me saying "hey sweety" (which was kinda nice, since he hasn't used any term other than "sexy" occasionally"), he couldn't meet up after all but was dying to see me. We texted back and forth a little, and he was asking if he'd be able to "bump" into me tomorrow night at a club. Earlier in the week however, after speaking with B - and because he told me where he was going - Id changed my plans to care for my son for the night instead, so I told him I couldn't make it.

Later I went to Maccas for late lunch and coffee. I did hope to see B, because I was still in the area, but it was not until I got in the car, that I was surprised to see him drive past. I was on the phone to my girlfriend R, and obviously couldn't tell her what Id been up to, but I finished the call, and then texted B saying "guess who I just saw drive past me at Maccas" etc. He quickly replied "me". A few minutes later he texted asking where I was, and that he had time to meet. By then though, I was the opposite direction to where Id seen him, and half way to the kids school for pick up. I turned off the main road into a side street, parked, and told him where I was. He then called to check if I had time (to meet) because he knew I had to get the kids from school, and it was close to time. I told him he had 10 minutes, and then I organised for my kids care for the time until I got there.

He kissed me hello. It was good to see him. He told me we were in a "dangerous" street. Very risky. Apparently the gym he only just stopped going to a few weeks ago is around the corner, and we were on the very street his mates would drive on to get there. He said he wanted to kiss me "and stuff" but couldn't there. Learned a bit about him actually in our little get together. I also learned I still cant spit out a straight sentence without stumbling or falling over my words. He has such an effect on me and I don't know why. In his work gear, cap, unshaven, he actually looks so ordinary. Still, a very sexy, appealing ordinary.

B said he will still pick me up Saturday night; its a pajama party, for a 40th birthday that I'm going to. Only a 10 minute drive from my place - or 6 minutes for B. I wont really know anyone, and they're all married or partnered, except for my ex husband, who I am friends with, who is also going. Weird. Much! I bought some "sensible" Playboy pj's and slippers for it. Cute and playful, without being raunchy. Party starts at 6, Ill probably go around 7, and B will probably get there around 12. I'm sure the party itself will be a good one; karaoke, and catching up with the birthday boy and his wife who we used to very good friends with but who I haven't seen for years.

And then, midnight, as soon as I'm in his car, I'm turning in to a wild hungry woman, ready for B, and knowing he's the only man who can satisfy me right now.


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