Saturday, May 15, 2010

Smelly Stuff

I love wearing perfume. And a guy wearing a nice aftershave is a turn on for me.

B doesn't wear any. He has some, but just doesnt wear it.

One of the first times he came over, he'd recognised my fragrance, and said "he knew it well". It is quite a "common" one. Another time he was over, he told me he knew it because his wife wore the same one! Well, needless to say, I haven't worn that scent since! We talked about the fact that my smell may rub off on to him, and he said that yeh, it could be a problem, and jokingly said he may have to carry a spare shirt around in his car.

Recently I bought a totally new fragrance, Orange, by Hugo Boss. I cant smell it on me though, so before I met up with B yesterday, I sprayed it on. When I greeted him at his car, it was the first thing he noticed and said. He noticed it was fruity, and something about how strong it was. Not sure if he really didn't like the smell, or that I just wore too much. :( Both? I told him I was not wearing the other perfume again, for as long as we're together. He asked why not, but I just couldn't explain that I didn't want that to be another reminder of his wife...


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