Sunday, May 29, 2011


It's official. I am acting like a juvenile.

I knew it highly unlikely I would see B last night, but even after reminding myself of what had happened this time last year (ie: 'ending things' and not seeing each other for a while) I still wondered if he'd try to visit...

I sent a message around 8pm saying hi, hoping he had a good time at the industry ceremony the other night, and that i knew i wouldn't see him for a few weeks, but that I couldn't wait to see him again and that I'm always thinking of him...

A few hours later he said "thanks", said the ceremony was okay, and asked how i knew all this "shit"?

1. I'm a woman
2. I care for him and am interested.
3. Its all on the Internet.
4. Its not rocket science. I can put two and two together.
5. I'm a woman. :)

But all I replied was that one of my entertainer "friends" had put something on the social network site.

"Ah," he replied, "that site strikes again."

I didn't reply. And now I will not contact him again until he messages me. I was going to say "try" {not to contact}, but there is a quote from Yoda that I love and must adhere to that reads

"Do. Or do not. There is no try".

He knows I want to see him. So now, I wait. And move forward with life.

I went to bed just before 12am, but woke around 5am suddenly, wondering if he'd messaged me since, and Id missed it. Of course he hadnt...

Life: bring it!


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