Monday, June 28, 2010

The weekend

Saturday night, after I returned home from watching my daughters in their high school musical, and from dropping them off to a fellow cast members "after" party I still hadn't heard from B. He's not normally out from the show until after 12 but I still thought that he may have sent a text or two through the night. By 12.15am, after getting ready for bed and reading there for a while, I figured that if he were visiting I would've received a message so I turned out the light... 15 minutes later he texted me saying that as much as he would've loved to see me, he'd only just finished work and was due to start his other job at 6am, and asked if he could see me next Saturday. I replied that I needed to at least kiss him senseless so bad and that after 12 next Saturday is his... I still get tingles and funny feelings in my stomach remembering his kisses and his touch...

Yesterday my daughters and I were sorting out the back room of our house and normally I have my phone glued to me which I did for most of the day. But as is always the way it seems with B, when I absolutely least expect it, I get something from him... 20 minutes after not looking at my phone (a long time for me, believe me!) there was a message from him asking if I was about. Dammit! I replied "yes" but knew it was too late. He replied that he was nearby and was going to call in but would have to leave it til next time now. :( I don't think it would of been possible really for him to come in with my daughters being home. If it were a "normal" relationship, fine. But again, I was happy to know he was thinking of me. Living 4 minutes away from him has advantages I guess. :-)

He has his day off work today and again I thought I may of heard from him, but nope.

As much as I hope we do get to catch up during the week at least I know that Saturday night (or Sunday morning) for a couple of hours he's mine. We have 5 weeks to catch up on and a lot of things to make up for.


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