Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Stupid texting, and tones, and insinuations and interpretations...!

The last part of my reply "Coz I'm NOT sorry" he may understand to mean that "Coz I'm not seeing you again" or something.

And then there's that decision of whether to send a clarifying text, and the longer I don't send one (its only been 20 minutes since I sent it though), the more desperate it looks if I do send one, like a chaser text. A "you didn't reply immediately so where's my reply?" kind of thing.

Here's what I do know though; he may SAY he wont contact me again, but he will. But probably when he's drunk, or in a few months when he hasn't had sex for a while :(.


I need to find out, one way or another though, whether he had sex in Thailand, unprotected or not.


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