Sunday, April 17, 2011

And another week.

I was in the city last night for an old school friends 40th birthday celebrations. And Id already told B that I probably wouldn't see him because of that. Still, I texted him around 8.30 with "seeing you?".

"Sorry sexy. Getting a lift. Would love to."

I replied "Not as much as I would. ;). Talk soon. x"

I'd even hidden my house keys somewhere, that I wouldve told him about had he been able too come by, and got there before I did.

So, thats that. Again.

Am I being unreasonable to think that he should be making a little more effort to try and meet up just for a quick chat or a cuddle every now and then? Is he taking advantage of how compromising I'm being, knowing that Id drop everything to be with him? How can he go weeks without anything from me? I dont want to live with him for fucks sake. He knows that. So why doesn't he make just a little more effort with me? For me?


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