Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Visit

And so, I sent B a text on Friday morning, asking how he was, and checking about Sunday. He said he was good, asked how I was, and said he wasn't sure about Sunday; he'd have to let me know, on Sunday.

I usually would have my 2 eldest daughters this weekend, but after the email Id sent him a week or 2 ago about Sunday, I had my girls organise to be somewhere else til around 1pm.

By 11.30am, I hadn't heard anything from B, and I was growing impatient; mostly because I was supposed to be picking up my girls in a little over an hour away. I texted "Well?" and by 12pm, I took a drive past his house. His work car wasn't there. If it had of been there, I obviously would've been upset and would've continued on to pick up my girls. I went back home. Minutes later, at 12.15. he texted saying hed be at my place in 15 minutes. I sent my daughters messages saying Id pick them up later and that I'd call them soon.

I relaxed in a chair on my verandah and waited for B. We walked inside, he took off his sunnies and cap, and kissed me hello. His eyes seemed a more piercing blue... He asked for a water so I got it, and then we sat in my back room so he could smoke. It was a hot day, and hot where we sat. We talked, but still, I just can not think of all the things I want to say when he's sitting right there.

We'd been chatting about 15 minutes, when my mobile rang three times, inside the house, and after B pointed that out, Id decided I should answer it, realising it was probably one of my daughters. As luck would have it, one of them was being dropped home in 40 minutes because the parents of the friend she was staying with had decided to go out, and would drop her off on the way. So I told B.

He thanked me for dropping his friend R home the other night, and I said that that was fine but next time I would have a meter installed in the car so I could charge. :) He said he thought that R and I may have a bit of thing, a bit of action happening. I had a feeling the other night that B sort of felt that way (one of the reasons I think he wanted me to drop him home first, and then R), and I told B that I think R is a nice guy, but I'm not attracted to him in any way, and to stop trying to set me up with him! "Im not!" he replied with a chuckle.

And a little while later he made a move to leave, saying he didn't want any complications with my girls seeing him here. I nodded in agreement. So I lead the way back to my kitchen so we could put our glasses there, and commented on how much cooler it was inside the house, as I leaned against the counter. Like I was waiting for something. And B stepped in front of me and kissed me. Dreamiest kisses. Then he stepped away, and went back to get his keys off the bench. I took a step closer to the front door, and he kissed me again. And then pulled me full length to him. I wound my arms around his next, and stood on tippy toes. I could feel every inch of him. Mmmm.

As I walked him to the door, he noticed a drill bit Id purchased. We talked a little about that, and he seemd impressed I was giving it (handyman stuff! :-)) a go. He gave me some tips to make the job easier. I walked him to my letter box. And away he went.

B left just after 1pm. And wouldn't you know it, my daughter didn't get dropped home til 2.15!

Damn but Im starving for more of that man.


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