Sunday, April 25, 2010

Missing Him

I've had some rather personal family stuff happen today; the kind of stuff where I'd really appreciate that special someone to lean on.

It hasn't even been 48 hours since Ive seen him, but it feels like a lifetime.

Do I feel so desperate to see him because of the bad news I received today? No. And I can say that without hesitation. I woke today feeling melancholy. I checked my mobile for an sms, knowing that there would not be one, but looked anyway. He went out last night to a place that is in competition with where he works. Not sure if he went with his fam, or other friends. But it's only a few minutes drive from me. So close yet so far.

Before Id received the bad news this morning, I went to my GP, for a pap smear and to talk about contraception. Its been 2.5 years since my last one. And I just decided to go on the pill again. If our affair is to continue, being on the pill should make things better. Condoms are just awful, and I know thats part of the reason he doesn't cum. You don't start taking the pill though until the first day of your period, so thats another 2 weeks away, and then it's not totally safe for another month, but I am looking forward to sharing this with him anyhow.

I don't know how I'm going to get through the next 2 weeks without even a peep from him. I really don't...


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