Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday Night

We arranged to meet up at our local pub; he went out with some work friends, and I met up with a couple of my girlfriends who didn't want a late night because of whatever plans they had for the next day, which worked out well.

I arrived just before 7 and met 2 girlfriends. The other 2 girls came an hour later. He messaged me just after 8pm, and it's silly, because I was happy he texted me first, asking if I was there. 2 of the girls left at 9.30pm, and as I was saying goodbye, he was making his way over to me. I did a double take of him without meaning to, which caught the eye of one of the girls, who then noticed him, and realised what I'd been up to (texting and going for mini walks during our 2 hours together). She also happened to be with us on the night B and I first got together, and she had clearly told me to leave him alone because he seemed to be a player. Oops. So she said hello, he kissed her on the cheek, then he kissed me (it was going to be on the lips but I turned my head slightly so it landed on my cheek). She and my other friend left and I received a text from her saying how sneaky I was and she knew I'd been up to something.

He looked big and strong. And good. And huggable. And mmmm! And he was tipsy if not drunk. But we arranged to meet in another hour or so when I knew the other 2 girls were leaving.

I waited where we'd arranged to meet. I had some 23 year old chatting me up. And I brushed him off, and was ready to leave, especially after I saw B go to the bar, grab 2 drinks, talk to a girl, and appear to look over in my direction and go back to his mates. It took some texting and missed calls, but we finally met up 20 minutes after the arranged time.

It was awkward at first. He'd pretended we'd just met. One of his work mates started talking to me and wouldnt shut up, and came back for a chat a few times.. I couldnt believe B left me talking to this guy. And there was another guy - R - who B seemed good friends with, closer to my age. We got on well. Turns out, B has told this guy about us, although Im not sure how much. And B said a number of times that R seemed to like me, and aksed me once what I thought of him. I said he was a nice guy, and asked him if he was trying to fob me off on to him. B commented it was because I "had on (my) glasses" meaning I was blindsided and not looking at anyone else, and I said it wasnt just that, it was that I didnt find this guy physically attractive, which was true.

B and I eventually eneded up touching; not the mauling kind, but sneaky touches at first, and then a little more. God that was difficuly. I wanted to kiss him, sit on his lap, wrap my arms around him.

I was conteplating leaving. I enjoyed being with him, but was not enjoying restraining myself, and also, B's home is literally a 10 minute walk from the pub, so I figured he'd go home anyway. I said as much, and he said he was leaving with me. So, his friend R, B and I left just before 1am and I took R home. Then B told me he was coming to my place (if that was okay?) and that he had til about 3am. I made a joke out of it; woohoo! 2 hours!

We left my home at 4.30 after an amazing time together. Slow sex. Rough sex. Dirty and raw. Passionate and sensual. Different positions. Lots of cuddling. Lots of kissing. Stopping and starting. Oral and anal. Amazing.

I came twice. Again. He didnt. Again. Even after all that time. The condom perhaps? Partly. We even tried a little without it, but we were freaking ourselbes out knowing the consequences of being careless and so stopped, even though it felt incredible without the pesky rubber. Personally I think it was the drink. He'd had too much. And he's worn out. He doens t seem to sepdn any time at home. He has rehearsals, or gym, or doing work for others aswell as his day job. He has his other job, or band practice or takes his kids to the park. Or he's out with mates, or meets me.

We talked a lot. In depth stuff. I finally managed to tell him how I was holding back physically because I was also trying to hold back mentally, but how Id made a decusuon to just let go and have fun with him while it was on offer, and try not to get too personal about things. He said how that never works (getting involved emtionally) but we'd just see where things went.

I couldnt believe how much we kissed. It was almost like our lips were glued to each others. I told him I liked how much he liked it. Yeh, he said, "I love it". Later, I asked him if he wanted a shower, and I said how Id like one with him, so he invited me in. "What about the hair? Wont it get wet?" and at first I was confused. My hair? Yes, it would get wet. Was that a problem? "Well, it apparently can be a problem if it gets wet" and I quickly realised that that must be an issue for him at home, where his wife perhaps wont shower with him because she doesnt want to get her hair wet and have to fix it again. "No, its not a problem. Id rather be with you in the shower. I can do my hair later."


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