Sunday, October 24, 2010


I went out tonight and met up with a guy I used to go to school with, and who I also had a bit of a crush on. I knew he was harmless, which is why I felt okay meeting up with him. He's married, and just goes out ocassionally to see a band or have one or two beers. Met a couple of his friends, and we had a good couple of hours. Then I took myself off to see Eat Love Pray at the cinema.

At both places, there was little or no reception on my phone...

And I knew I would hear from B.

The movie finished at 11.45, and B had sent me a text at 11.11pm.

I replied saying Id had no reception etc. The short of it is, when he asked if he could stop by I agreed. And I swear to God, I felt wet immediately, just at the thought of him...

I changed in to a dress from jeans and boots. Dimmed the lights a little. Music on. Like "normal" when he was here in the past.

He kissed me hello, and I gave him a glass of water (which I know he likes, from past experience! lol).

As we went to sit on the lounge, I jokingly asked him if he wanted the lights on, and he said yes, cause he wanted "to see" me, so I turned one on.

He arrived about 12.30 and left at 1.45am. And we probably talked the most we ever have, especially while he's been sober.

In his round-a-bout way, he asked me if Id found a guy, and I told him a little about the guy I've started seeing. I said if I were interested in one night stands, I could have that any time I went out, but that's not me... And I reminded him my trip overseas is tomorrow. He's been there too, so he gave me some pointers.

He paid some compliments, and I saw him give me the once over more than once. He told me he liked my red fingernails matching my toenails, and I told him my toes always match my fingers. Id forgotten though that he hadn't actually seen this colour before, because he said "no you usually wear a black or something", and he's right. I replied "well, yeh, I guess you're right. You haven't seen this colour before. It has been 16 weeks, since you've been here."

I played it cool. He kissed me a bit more full-on as he was leaving. I wanted to maul him. I'm sure he wanted to do the same to me.

He said he see me when I got back, but that's just something you say. Jokingly he asked me to bring him back a carton of Lucky Star smokes.

It was nice to see him. I would have done him there and then. Dammit.


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