Friday, July 23, 2010

Call Girl

Here it is, 9.12pm Friday night, and I haven't heard from B since Monday... and even then it was only briefly. I sent him a text asking out of all the little things Id worn for him was there any he'd liked the best and he replied "they're all good". I replied that he was a bugger and that that answer was too general.

And nothing else since.

I thought I may have heard from him last night, if he'd gone to see the band at the pub, or at least tonight inviting me for drinks... but nope. So tomorrow, if he messages me, I should suggest he brings his money and start paying me since he's using me like a hooker.

He is so unpredictable! How is okay to have lots of contact one week, and barely anything the next?

I joined up with 2 online dating sites during the week... short version of that is that Im meeting up with a gorgeous guy on Sunday... will be interesting anyhow. More on that some other 60 seconds.


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