Sunday, November 28, 2010

Boobs: Take #2

So finally I had my breast augmentation done Monday (and just as a side note, what a difference!). I sent B a message around 10am saying it all went fine and "woohoo", and he replied "nice work. happy?". Well, I dont know if they're nice work yet - he can let me know when he sees them. :-)

Early Wednesday i got him to chase up with his friend M about my car, and whether he would be able to fix it for me or recommend some one who would... I still hadn't heard by Thursday afternoon, so I gave him a call. Was nice to have a normal chat. A few minutes later, M called and went through the list of what he thought my car's priorities are, and while I thanked him, I also said that I was quite understanding if he didn't want to do any of the work himself, but to point me in the right direction of who he'd recommend...but he said he didn't mind doing it himself. Later I sent B a text thanking him for chasing it up, to which he replied "No worries".

I went out last night with my girlfriend who is neighbours with M, and I spoke with M for a little bit while he got some details off my car so he can order some parts etc. He seemed very serious and quiet. He had been working on his own car, and was also on call for his job, so perhaps that was why, but I think some of my own guilt kicked in and I was feeling that maybe he felt awkward about the "situation", and also that Ive never actually seen him totally sober. :-)

Anyhow, I didn't hear from B Friday night, or last night, so that was a bummer, but not unexpected. It kind of made things a little easier though, because while its not a definite serious committed relationship with this other musician guy (although I would like it to certainly head in that direction), this guy - lets call him R - and I are in contact in some form almost every day, although I haven't seen him for 2 weeks now. Still, I have guilt that Im still wanting to see B too.
Crazy world.


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