Friday, December 17, 2010

So Fast!

I have returned to the work force, at least part time, and have been working a few days a week for a few weeks now. So I guess that is why this week seems to have flown.

Still, no matter how busy I am, B, and the other guy A, are never far from mind. Have been annoyed with A, because its like our contact has suddenly stopped. I sent him a text on Tuesday evening, simply saying hello, and then another one the next morning along the same lines. He replied with "Sorry hun," and said how busy he is at the mo' etc. Busy. Pfft. It's my middle name. So I answered his questions of how Ive been with "I'm good. All good. Will leave you be. :(" and now its Friday and I haven't heard since. He (we're still talking about A) would of left for his interstate gigs today... when he returns next Monday morning, he doesn't play again til New Years Eve. Of course there's Christmas in the middle there, but that's a total of 11 days. It will be interesting to see if he contacts me during that time...

Wednesday I reminded B that the next time we got together Id promised him a quickie. He did an extra show last night where he performs, and tonight and tomorrow as usual, and then an extra show next Wednesday. And then that's it until mid February. Sigh. He replied that he thought I was "out of order" but I reassured him I'm fine and good to go ;-). Hope I get to see him one of the nights before Christmas...

During the time he'll have off I know he'll go out, and may try to hook up one of those nights.

While writing this, I'm astounded to say I received a message from A! Well there you go.

Back to B... Id also sent him an email to his work address, asking if it went to his inbox or junk (cause the last couple he reckoned he hadn't been able to access because they were marked as spam). And later in the arvo, Wednesday, the same day we texted, he replied that the message had got through.

But, sigh. This is all so.... unsatisfying.


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