Monday, August 30, 2010

No drive by!

On my way to a girlfriends this morning - who I haven't seen for a few months to have coffee - I headed in the direction of B's house to do my usual drive by, but halfway there (even though he's only 4 or 5 minutes away), I turned and went in a different direction and straight to my girlfriends.

And I didn't drive past on the way back home either.


Believe me, thats a BIG deal.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

My promise to the Universe

I went out last night to a friends 40th - and funnily enough it was at the local pub (same one I went to Friday night, and the one B frequents).

Nice group of people, and I started off in a good mood; Id just driven past B's house on the way there and saw his car was not parked there, so assumed he would of driven to work, which would mean that he didn't get a lift after all, and would therefore be able to come see me.


As the night wore on, I think a culmination of too much food, lack of sleep, gym, over-thinking, and not feeling comfy with the only single man at the 40th sitting next to me all night made me feel "off". Oh, and probably also because by 10.30 I had received no message from B, and if he had intention of coming by, I would've heard.

I drove past his house on the way home of course, but his car was in the drive way. I can only think that perhaps his wife dropped him off!

I was home and in bed by 11.10pm.

But I had a hard time falling asleep. I must of napped for a few minutes, and woke suddenly. A few minutes later at 11.45 B sent me a message saying he couldn't "do it tonight babe" and that he would try and catch me after work tomorrow. "Sorry". I replied "K. x" What more could I say?

I passed his house on the way to the gym this morning, and the work van definitely was not there, and was not there an hour or so later.

1.30pm, as I was on my way to spend the afternoon with family in the Eastern Suburbs, his work van still wasn't there.

Parking around the beaches on the Eastern Suburbs is not easy, especially for more than 2 hours. As I came to my family's street, I'd made a "deal" that I would not contact B until he contacts me first, and there in front of me was a family vacating a 4 hour parking spot. "Okay", I said out loud, "thank you for my spot. I will not contact him until he contacts me".

Sounds silly, I know, but Ive had a few "universe" moments like this. So I have to trust it. Shit.

And I didn't get a message all day.

He must be trying to make extra money at the moment because he's been working extra Sundays. Think he has tomorrow off. But I wont hear from him.

6. looooooong. weeks.


Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Shake of the Hand

Well, Wednesday afternoon I ended calling B, right before I had to pick my kids up from school. Mulled over it a good hour before "biting the bullet". I asked him straight out if I would see him Saturday night. He said he didn't know, that he was trying to organise a lift. "Why do you need a lift?" I asked him. His reply was because he wanted to 'get on the can' (drink) and hasn't been really able to in a while. Oh poor baby."Uh-huh" was all I could say to that. He asked me what was new and what Id been up to, and I said a lot can happen in six weeks and that I couldn't talk anyway because I was doing the school run. The call lasted a minute.

A few minutes later I texted him offering that I could pick him up after work if he could arrange to get there. He replied "see how we go."

So, the allure of drink is more appealing. What the? I guess its safer for him. His wife would be used to that at least.

I also noticed he changed his profile picture to one of him at some music festival holding a can of drink...

Last night I went out with some girlfriends (including my new friend, the wife of the guy I had coffee with a week ago) and had dinner at the local pub where B hangs out. This night was not arranged by me in any way. As I parked I could see B in his usual spot. And he watched as I walked in. I went and said hi to my friends who were inside, and then went and got a drink from one of the bars that opens to outside where B was and stood where I knew he'd be able to see me. And see me he did. He gave me a nod of acknowledgment, and I smiled back.

It took him half an hour, but I was pleased when he texted me asking me what my plans were. I asked him how long he was staying for and he replied "about 5" but I didn't understand what he meant and thought perhaps 5 hours! He actually meant 5 minutes (lol), that he was having one more beer and would be leaving so I asked if he wanted me to come and say hi. he said "sure" and told me that one of the girls (the one I see at the gym who lives next to one of my best friends etc etc) would be here soon too.

The timing was great because I had to pick up my 2 younger kids from a friends house shortly, so I said goodbye to my dinner friends and went to finish my drink with B and his friends. He was at the bar when I sat down so I spoke to - lets call her "A" - and her housemate, one of B's workmates - until B returned. When he came back he said hello, and shook my hand in greeting. Oh my. What a game.

And, for the next 15 minutes, I think B and i must of said 2 sentences; the rest of the time I spoke to A. Who is just lovely. I was aware the whole time of when B was watching the footy, or when he was watching me as I talked to A. I had just had a spray tan a day or two before, my first one, and at one point as I was talking to A about it, I purposely took my jacket off to show her because I knew B was watching. But I couldnt talk to B because I was worried Id give something away in front of A! Girls are more perceptive than guys.

Toward the end, I told her how many kids I had, and she was saying how good I looked etc, and then B was making out he didn't know how many I had, continuing the game.

I told A I would no doubt see her at the gym - don't know if B knows we both go there or not - and told B I would "see him later".

But, who knows if and when that will happen.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Very sad

Ive been quite down about the whole relationship thing for the last few days...

Last week I went on a date with someone I met online, and he was nice enough but I just didn't feel a connection. Probably just as well, because the world being as small as it is, it turns out we have mutual friends, and his wife (they've been separated about 6 months) and I met on Friday night while we were out with one of our mutual friends! I also went out on Sunday with another guy I met online, who was also nice thankfully, but again, no real connection.

Ive also heard a number of stories about couples breaking up; one is a close friend of mine, two couples I know through other friends, and even one of B's wifes best friend (amazing what you can discover on the internet!)! Because of that, I think B's wife may be feeling a tad insecure; last week on the social networking site, his profile pic was of their little family. Last night he changed it to of the two of them kissing. Could also be the reason he has stayed away.

The wife best friend has a local business and I thought Id check it out yesterday... and fuck me! but there at the front counter working was B's wife! I walked past, and a few minutes later, walked back. She saw me. But she would not of known who I was, although I was waiting for someone to call out to me as I walked away up the stairs... I don't know why I went there, or what I was hoping to achieve.

And yesterday afternoon I sent B an email. All I said was "whats new?" Clearly nothing is new; no message of any sort in reply.

I'm so torn; I was thinking about calling and asking now if I will see him Saturday night. But he'd probably just fob me off. Or even if he did say no, that doesn't change my plans for Saturday night.... but at least Id know. And if he did tell me now he couldn't see me, should I suggest we get together and talk and finish things once and for all? Is he waiting for things to settle down around him so he doesn't arouse suspicion?

I know I should just forget it all, forget him, and move on. Would be alright if I knew what direction would be the right way to follow. There's no guy waiting in the wings. I'm not in regular contact with single eligible men. The online dating thing sucks.

And today I'm just a bit of a mess.

Monday, August 23, 2010


I went to the gym Sunday morning, as I usually do now (have been going for a few weeks), and, as I also usually do, I drive directly past B's house on the way there, and back.

After gym, I was feeling good, had the windows of my car down (yay! the weather is finally warming up!) and music loud. And I drove past his house, and there he was out front, holding his youngest son!

There is no way he would not of seen me, and I did not look at him directly or give any indication to say I had seen him.


He has today off work, so nothing will happen today for us.

What am I saying? Nothing will ever happen again but the looks of it.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Not tonight either

Saturday night again. And no B again...

At least I received a text though, around 8.30pm. But no mushiness this time. "Hey. Cant make it tonight, got people over home. Gotta get back early. Sorry."

I replied not long after: "okay babe. looking forward to the reunion".

10.30 I did a drive by... figured Id see some cars at his house then. Perhaps its for his wife's birthday; I'm sure her birthday is around this time. But nope, not an extra car in sight. No lights on. Nothing.

My personality is mixed; partly skeptic, and otherwise optimistic. On one hand I'm thinking why does the guy feel he needs to lie to me of all people? If you cant come over, or simply don't want to then say so. Don't make up some freakin' story... and then the other part of me thinks, well, if it IS his wife's birthday or whatever, then what is really happening is that there is a celebration of sorts at someones house (like her parents for example) and its easier for B to say there are people at HIS house than explain (especially via text) what the deal is.

The other point is what is his use of keeping me dangling? Or does he think perhaps this is letting me down gently? Ive given him enough opportunity now to have this "whatever this is" end.

Yes I do want to drive by again around midnight... but I wont.

No, I dont undertsnad why Im doing what Im doing. Me, the controlled and composed person that I am...

Next week will be 6 weeks. The same length of time we were apart when I broke it off...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Went out to B's pub on Friday night; got there around 7.45pm, but didn't see him or anyone that looked familiar (in his circle of friends). Maybe they didn't go out? Or they'd just had their after work drinks and had already left.

Didn't hear from B at all. All Saturday night I waited as usual for a message from him, as I went about my own stuff. I was so sad and pissed at the same time, as I got ready for bed just before 12am.

By 12.15 I thought "stuff it" and I tried calling him, to say something along the lines of "you know how much Ive missed you; you could of at least let me know you wouldn't be coming by tonight". I psyched myself up, and dialled... and the phone went straight to a message saying it had been switched off. I waited a few more minutes and tried again. Then I tried his work phone; it too had been switched off.

12.30am I sent a text message saying I was disappointed and that I didn't know what had happened or changed but he could at least taken time to tell me.

20 minutes later I was still not asleep, and extremely restless, and... I put on my slippers and dressing gown and did a drive by of his house! The car was there; he was home. All I could think was that he'd had an early night after all, and not stayed out or gone somewhere else like I thought.

I wasn't sure if he'd be working Sunday, but perhaps he did, because I did a drive by again (took myself off to Maccas for breakky) and his work van wasn't there. Just before 10am I received a text from B saying "Sorry babe, left phone at home last night". Not good enough I'm afraid.

So I replied "Now what? You've known ahead of time what you've had on. I'm pissed I haven't seen or spoken to you for even 10 minutes in 4 weeks." He wasn't happy. He replied "Ive had a heap on my plate. I cant do everything." Well, obviously I'm not a priority but I didn't realise I didn't matter at all! I replied along the lines of please don't get defensive, that we're all busy gorgeous but I make time for what matters and that I miss him etc." I ended with "See ya. x". Later I thought what if he takes my "see ya" the wrong way? As in "goodbye" when I meant "when you're ready"? so I texted that through on his work mobile later.

So, its after midday Tuesday now. Ive heard nothing, and I don't expect to. At least til Saturday, but to be honest I reckon I'll be lucky to hear anything for a while. Hes not that bad mannered where I wont hear anything ever again, but he wont hurry that's for sure.

Ive started my 2nd real attempt at online dating. Had a couple of disasters about a month ago, and that's before even actually meeting anyone through it! But Ill try again and see what happens.

Really need to let go of B.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Benefit of the Doubt


Ive just realised that Id blocked my caller id, so any calls Id make, or sms's Id send would not show my number. This was just confirmed when I tried to ring my brother, and he didn't realise it was me calling. And he's a big techno dude, so he'd know...

So, B may not of known for sure that the message was from me yesterday, hence his reply of "cheers".

Sill, I haven't heard from him otherwise though. :(

The Wife

Went to the gym this morning, which is one of a number of local gyms, but happens to be nearest B, and on the way home, driving past his house, as I do from time to time (honestly its on the way), I saw the family car had been reversed in to the driveway, and the boot was open... I parked around the corner, walked through the park opposite their house and across the street, and looked through the trees while pretending to be on my phone. Hung around a few minutes and saw... the wife. She was getting her shopping out of the car. Not very clearly, I have to say. Saw her just a little clearer when she came to letterbox. Smallish build, hair half pulled back. Dressed a bit frumpish. I don't mean that in a disrespectful way. She looked mummsy, and practical.

Anyway, I feel low for even "spying" on her, even if it was only for 2 minutes.

I am very torn today on what to do. Haven't heard anything from B obviously since the "cheers" freaking goddamn stupid message that raises my hackles whenever I think about it! I'm still thinking wtf?

Supposed to be going to the local pub with a girlfriend and one or two of her other friends tomorrow night. Will probably see B, but have decided that while Ill make it so he sees that I'm there, Ill play it cool with him. Hopefully there will be other talent we can talk to and hang with.

I also don't think B will be working this Sunday, because he has already had his flexi this week, and not due again for 2 weeks. He tends to work the Sunday when he has Monday off.

I wanted to call him and ask if he was working Sunday or not, and whether that meant he would be coming to see me or not on the Saturday night. Depending on his answers I was going to give him a bit of a hard time. Just a little. :-)

Anyway, I'm gradually learning not to act impulsively. Ive thought about it, and know if I called or texted again about anything, I will look desperate and needy etc.

So, again, I wait. And will give the SOB a small but quiet piece of my mind when I see him. If I see him. Okay, when I see him.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Through a social networking site, Id noticed B had changed his profile pic, to a really awful modified one. Very unflattering, but it's funny at the same time. Sent him a message this morning saying what a shocker the pic was. 6.5 hours later he replied "Cheers."

Cheers? Cheers? WTF is that? Gee I'm sorry that I'm not worth more than 15 seconds to send a decent reply to.

Or, here's a novel idea, how about a goddamn phone call?!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sad but resigned

No B tonight either. Lovely message received saying he had a lift with his parents (they must of gone to see his show, or else I think it may be the owners birthday bash...) etc.

Am very sad. And dissapointed. I had already resigned myself to a relaxed night at home; my 2 eldest daughters and I are having a cruisy night watching movies and eating pizza.

I replied saying how sad that was (that he couldn't come by), and could we please try and meet up during the week because I cant wait a whole week before I see him again. I also said how I know he wouldn't want to hear it but that I miss him...

He replied that he'd try (to meet up) but that things have been flat out lately (although I don't know if he meant work or home, or both?). And he said he misses me too.

Unfortunately, next weekend I'm due to have my period, and he will possibly be working on the Sunday morning...


Friday, August 6, 2010

Here's Hoping

Sent a text yesterday saying I'm going through withdrawals... he replied a few hours later saying "Yeh. Me too."

Well, Damn it!, I hope we fix that tomorrow night!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


So, after that text from B on the Tuesday, I didn't hear from him at all... not even by Saturday night.

Id gone out the night before and actually, I hooked up with a cute guy Id always liked when we were in high school together. He was keen for some action back at my place, but I gave him a head job - if you can call it that (it was less than a minute) - instead. He had a good size dick as well; bigger than B. But I wasn't interested in a one-nighter.

The next night (Saturday) I went out too, but was home by 11.30. Id figured that since I hadn't heard from him, that he wouldn't be coming, but it would've been nice to be kept informed. He's normally more considerate; he'll sit on the other side of me if the breeze is blowing in the wrong direction so that his smoke wont go on me, or he'll ask his mate to move so that I'm included in the group, or he'll put his hand over the break lever so it doesn't dig in my hip...Anyway, this was the first Saturday night, apart from his holiday and our break (and one other occasion) that I hadn't heard a thing. I was devastated.

So, Monday morning, I sent a text asking if he'd brushed me, "just so I know". He replied, and said "not at all", and that he'd gotten a lift Saturday night. He asked how I was and about my weekend. Fab.

Now what? Just wait until the next booty call? Guess so...