Monday, October 4, 2010


Its a public hooliday today. The weather is crappy. And Im sadder than yesterday.

I sent B a message yesterday morning before I went to the gym; along the lines of knowing Im not on his list of priorities, Im not interested in his excuses, but he at least owes me a phone call.

I'll be really suprised if I hear from him.

Ive learnt that this man does not like confrontation. If he stood up for what he really believed in, he would be working things out with his wife, and letting her know that he isnt feeling appreciated or wanted by her. If he stood up for himself, when he had band practice he wouldve organised the guys a little better with rehearsal times, and what to play etc, but he kept saying it "wasnt his place". If he stood up for himself, he would be negotiating with his work a little more about accepting less responsibility and workload.

Why do we try to reason things?


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