Thursday, November 17, 2011

A crazy moment

I still find myself having mini-conversations with B, outloud or in my head. Still think about him. A lot. And you know what? Its only just over 2 weeks since that phone call, and those texts. Feels like a goddamn lifetime.

I also think he and the fam have gone away for a week or something. Haven't seen the work van at his house when I normally may, or their other car. Perhaps for their anniversary? Bleh. Makes me dry wretch.

This afternoon, on the way to pick up my kids from school, I saw a car a few cars in front that looked liked his work van. I was meant to turn off, but instead I followed it. A few streets on from where I was meant to turn, I figured he may of turned to go to his work mates, M, but the van kept going straight. It was also an hour earlier than he normally finishes. Still, I followed. We came to a set of lights, and finally I could see the number plate. And other 'identifying' details. And it wasnt him. Im such a scatterbrain. Turned the car around, and picked the kids up.


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