Wednesday, April 13, 2011

No Sunday

I didn't meet up with my girlfriend on the Sunday night; it got to difficult to coordinate. I dont know if B was there anyway. It rained too, and since they all hang about outside, probably not.

I had a long chat with another girlfriend last night; well, as long as an online chat would allow. Hard to go in to detail sometimes when typing. My mind goes faster than my fingers can type. I have the same feeling as always, of desperately wanting, and needing to see him, but that is mixed with guilt and resignation of not being able to change how some things are.

But today I texted to see if he was working Sunday. "Hey sexy-ass," he replied. "No, not working Sunday." I simply replied ":(".

And that was that.

But at least I know about Sunday now, and wont be wondering if Ill hear from him, or doing another crazy pointless drive by. :)


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