Thursday, March 10, 2011


Yesterday, while out shopping, I texted B saying it had been a while since Id told him how HOT he is, and that Id leave it a bit longer and just say HI instead. And "hope your day is going well."

"Hi to you too." he said. "Whens your birthday?" I replied "Saturday". "Right," he said. "How's
your day?" "Good," I replied. "Shopping for killer heels".

And that was that.

It's Thursday night now. Almost 9.30pm. I seriously thought I'd hear from him about joining him and his work mates out for a few drinks tonight. Silly me thought he would arrange something.

And then, over-thinking things, I wondered if, when he asked "How's your day?" if he was actually talking about Saturday, as in, what am I doing during the day on Saturday (because he may be able to catch up then?). But realistically, no.

Sad tonight. No chance of meeting him out tomorrow night if he calls because my older kids are not home to look after my younger ones, and being my birthday the next day, I'm limited (as in theres noone) who I could ask to look after them since they will be out will me the next night. Cant really message him about that because thats kinda assuming he would be doing something.



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